A marriage ceremony is a public expression of one of the most precious and beautiful of all gifts, the love that a couple have in their hearts for one another. A first-class marriage celebrant will offer you the freedom to express those feelings in your own special way. There are a number of suggestions which a marriage celebrant can give to you that enables you to compile your own wedding ceremony reflecting your own views of marriage and your own particular style. When as a couple, you are afforded the freedom to design their own marriage ceremony the meaning behind the words becomes their meaning and the love expressed in the words is their love.
The decision to marry should be made after a lot of thought, consideration and discussion between a man and a woman. Love is a most profound human experience and marriage symbolises the ultimate intimacy between two people, to be entered into with certainty and with mutual respect. The Family Law Act instructs that the solemn and binding nature of marriage is the union of a man and a woman, voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others. When a man and woman declare publicly their desire to live together as husband and wife, they also make a commitment to love, to care for, to consider, and to respect each other. The bond of love will become deeper and even more meaningful with each passing year, serving as a source of common energy giving you strength to live your lives with happiness and confidence.
Deciding on a civil marriage celebrant can be difficult, it is a personal consideration and perhaps the most significant decision you will make with regard to your wedding. It is the marriage celebrant who solemnises your marriage according to law and assists you in designing a wedding ceremony that reflects your values, your meaning of love and your commitment.
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